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Kubo Kitchens & Bedrooms

Cena: 0.00 GBP

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Region: South East England
Firma: Kubo Kitchens
Miasto / Województwo: Hampshire
Kod pocztowy: GU35 0HJ
Ulica: Martinique House, The Design Office, Signal Village
Telefon: 01420 544995
Strona www:
dodano: 2022.06.30
ważne do: 2024.06.19
wyświetleń: 895

Szczegóły oferty:

If you’re looking for a new kitchen in Hampshire then contact our team. Quite different from all other kitchen suppliers, you will always remember your early discussions with Kubo! Even if you’ve already spoken with 5 other kitchen companies, we can say with confidence Kubo is the one you’ll remember! As the ‘industry’s most hated kitchen creator,’  we are well known for having a completely unique approach. More than a design exercise, a meeting with Kubo is an experience as we’ll take you on a carefully curated journey to achieve your dream kitchen design!


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