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Cotswood Kitchens

Cena: 0.00 GBP

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Region: South East England
Firma: Cotswood Kitchens
Miasto / Województwo: Surrey
Kod pocztowy: KT6 5LX
Ulica: 11 Brighton Rd
Telefon: 0208 786 2057
Strona www:
dodano: 2022.06.28
ważne do: 2024.06.17
wyświetleń: 721

Szczegóły oferty:

At Cotswood Kitchens we can offer our clients a full breadth of kitchen styles ranging from ultra-traditional British kitchens, to the very modern and contemporary. We strive to cater for all tastes and have carefully selected mid to high-end furniture and appliance brands which reflect our own values, working with people who care about delivering choice, quality, flexibility, and great service. What’s more, as an independent kitchen retailer, at Cotswood Kitchens we have the flexibility to accommodate all requirements and budgets too. In fact, many of our clients are surprised as just what we can achieve for the budget they specify!


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